Some wise guy out there once said that it doesn t matter if you are ahead in the rat race, the fact that you are in that race means you are a rat. He meant it figuratively of course but the message is, as long as you are an employee, somebody higher ranked than you are will always call the shots and you can either quit your job or follow his or her commands. Do you have any other choice? Of course you do, you can always fire your boss and start your own home business.
Don't get it wrong, starting your own home business is not just a simple walk in park. A lot of people who have tried setting up their own home business didn t really quite hack it. But there are also many of those who fired their boss who actually made it big on their own. The secret of those who succeeded in their own home business is their determination, strong commitment to their chosen field, patience, creativity, hard work, and more hard work. The more time and effort you put into your home business, the better chances are for you to succeed.
Now you are squinting, blinking your eyes rapidly and asking yourself, how hard is hard work? Well, since you are now your own boss, you can work as hard as you like. You determine your own pace and you make your own choices. Nobody will tell you what time you need to start working and what time you are supposed to stop. You can work in your pajamas if you like and nobody will call your attention about violations of the office dress code. The only snag here is that if you are lazy and do not give enough time to your home business, you could end up missing bill payments and find yourself in a big financial mess.
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