Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Accepting Or Denying New Friend Requests

Since one of the great benefits of having a MySpace account is making friends, it is important to know how to accept or deny an add new friend request. There are factors to consider in making a decision whether to accept or reject a possible friend. The next section will talk about some of these factors, and also on how to accept or reject a new possible friend. You must be logged into your own MySpace account first in order to check for new add requests. You need to decide to receive email notice when you got a new friend requests, it’s a smart feature. You still need to be logged into your Myspace account to accept or reject the request. Enter the page by: • clicking the "Home" link of your profile • type into your web browser, and then click log in. Check for a new friend requests the moment your into your MySpace account. From your homepage, about half way down on the left side of the page, you will find a box with a mark “My Mail”. Here you will find links to guide you to execute four tasks. Tasks include: • viewing your inbox • viewing your sent mail • posting a bulletin • viewing your friend requests When you enter “Friend Request”, you can check for any new add requests and also add request with pending approval. The moment you enter, you will to find a request from another MySpace member to be your friend. You may also view pending request you made from this page. On the “Friend Request” page, at the left side of the menu you will find a link that says “Pending Request”. Entering here and you will see friends request you created and are still pending for approval. Check the MySpace profile of a new friend request before accepting. This will help you in making judgment. These include: • allowing you to compare likes and dislikes • allowing you to see if you know the person from your real life • allowing you to see that this request isn't really Spam It’s better to check who you are accepting as MySpace friends.

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